Thank you for downloading AutoKeen Lite! I hope it brings you years of joy and happy fun comic archiving, you betcha. This version: AutoKeen Lite v0.924 Beta Author: Darren Bleuel ( Courtasy of : Keenspot Comics ( Gratuitous plug of Darren's comic strip: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With proper care and feeding, AutoKeen Lite should give you many years of automatic comic archive pages, generated from your own comic list. There are a few requirements of this version of AutoKeen Lite by which you must abide: * Your comic image files must be named in such a form: [prefix]YYYYMMDD[suffix].[ext] Where: [prefix] can be any non-numeric text (or no text at all), YYYYMMDD represents the date of the comic (YYYY = 4 digit year, MM = 2 digit month, DD = 2 digit day), [suffix] can be any text (or none at all), so long as it does not start with a numeral, and pext] is either gif, jpg, html, htm, or txt. EXAMPLE!: nukees20001225a.gif would be a comic for Dec. 25, 2000. * You may have multiple files for a single day. All such files will appear on the archive page for that day, separated by only a space, in alphabetical order of the filename (it is encouraged that you use suffixes to create this ordering). To force page breaks, you will have to create html files in between the comics in alphabetical filename order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: Simply place autokeenlite.cgi into a directory that can execute cgi programs, then run by accessing it via the web. All of your comics should be named, as stated above, in the YYYYMMDD. format, and placed ALONE into a separate subdirectory in your webspace, as specified in the $comicdir variable. If you have navigation buttons, they must be named the following: firstday.gif or firstday.jpg lastday.gif or lastday.jpg nextday.gif or nextday.jpg previousday.gif or previousday.jpg If you do not have navigation buttons, text links will be created instead. You will then need to configure autokeenlite.cgi for your system/webspace: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE-SPECIFIC VARIABLES: You will need to edit the first few lines of autokeenlite.cgi (below the initial program comments) to reflect your website's setup. These variables are: $path - The FULL pathname to your homepage directory. This is SYSTEM SPECIFIC, _not_ webpage specific. This path is often of the form /home/username/public_html/ If you do not understand this, check with a computer-saavy friend. $url - The url where your main pages are kept. $comicdir - The subdirectory, relative to your homepage directory, where your comics are kept. You should not keep anything but your comics in this directory. $imagedir - A subdirectory where images, such as navigation buttons, are kept. If you keep these in your main webspace directory, simply set to "". $cgidir - Subdirectory, relative to $url, where autokeenlite.cgi will be kept. You must be able to execute cgi from this directory. The other setup variables should not need to be changed. However, if your system clock is set to a different time zone than you would like updates to occur, you can change $timeoffset to reflect the number of hours to add or subtract from the clock. You can also change the names of "dailytemplate.html" and "indextemplate.html" (see below) but it is not recommended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***TAGS*** AND TEMPLATES: You will need to create two html files: dailytemplate.html indextemplate.html and put them in your main web space. These are the files that autokeenlite.cgi will read to create your unique archive pages. Examples are attached with this program. Where you would like your comic, dates, or buttons to appear you should insert ***tags***. These tags are as follows: ***comic*** - Insert where you would like the comic to appear ***first*** - Navigation button to the first comic ***next*** - Navigation button to the "next" comic ***previous*** - Navigation button to the "previous" comic ***last*** - Navigation button to the last ("today's") comic ***year*** - Returns the year of the current comic ***month*** - Full month name of current comic ***day*** - Day of comic ***dayofweek*** - Day of week (eg: Sunday, Monday, etc.) ***date*** - Short for ***dayofweek***, ***month*** ***day***, ***year*** ***storylines***- Storyline dropdown (requires storylines.txt file--see below) (see the example templates for usage) indextemplate.html will be the page displayed for the most recent comic. dailytemplate.html will be the page displayed for all other days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORYLINE DROPDOWN: To use the ***storylines*** tag, you will need to create a file named storylines.txt in your main webspace. This file will have the names of your storylines and the dates on which they start. It should be formatted as follows: name#1, date#1 name#2, date#2 name#3, date#3 ...etc... The date can either be in MM/DD/YYYY format, or YYYYMMDD format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY: 5/22/2000 v0.9 - Beta release. Options include daily and index pages, multiple comics, date, navigation buttons. 5/24/2000 v0.91- Added slighter better error messages. Removed arguement number checker, which seemed to confuse certain webhosts (?) 5/30/2000 v0.92- Added ***storylines*** function 6/4/2000 v0.923- Some bug fixes. 3/28/2002 v0.924- Improved $programname assignment to strip out path in Windows environment as well as *nix environment Send bug notifications to